How it all works

How it all works

Step one:

You have already completed this first step by looking at my website and acknowledging that you need to change the way you currently live your life. This is a momentous change. You are now in control.

Step Two:

Make the call – I understand the hesitation you may feel when you want to reach out for help. Let me reassure you that all we will have is an initial conversation. Think of it as a chat with someone who cares, listens, does not judge but understands.
I do prefer the first assessment to be face to face, however I realise this may not be possible, so you can either call 07946 776615 or use the contact button.

This conversation gives you the opportunity to discover if counselling is the right choice for you at the moment, and for both of us to establish a programme that meets your needs.

Step Three:

Once you have been in contact and have made the decision to start the process of therapy, we then arrange a suitable time to start. At this point we will establish an agreement that we both feel comfortable with. This will make clear the confidential nature of the sessions and establish our commitment to working together. If online sessions are preferred, I will send a link for you to use.

I can offer time limited work to resolve very specific issues, or long term therapy. All sessions are usually at the same time on a regular (usually weekly) basis that is mutually convenient. Most people find that regular contact provides a sense of security and continuity whilst they are working through their emotional difficulties.

Online sessions are via Zoom. Many clients are turning to an online way of working to fit in with their busy schedules.


(Please note – due to the nature of my work I may not be able to answer your call straight away. Be assured that I will contact you promptly and discreetly as soon as I become available.)

Book your free assessment with Sarah on:

07946 776615

I would recommend Sarah to anyone who asked.

“Hello Sarah. This review was easy to write. I would recommend Sarah to anyone who asked. I was diagnosed with PTSD from my GP and I finally had the strength to reach out for help. My flash backs were the worst and I didn’t realise how depressed I was becoming. I met Sarah and instantly she made me comfortable and relaxed. I felt safe to speak openly to her and knew it wouldn’t go any further. After the first session I began to be more optimistic about the future, something I never thought I would be able to do again. Now I have finished with therapy but sometimes I miss our weekly hour together but I just remember the strategies Sarah explained. Although the topic of conversation was hard sometimes, we often laughed. My whole experience of therapy is positive. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

Male 57yrs Bradford – PTSD